Assignment 3

Exercises are taken from the textbook chapters. Maximum score for this problem set is 52 points and the due date is Friday, March 26, 2021.

  • Exercise 9.1: 4 points.
  • Exercise 9.2: (a) 2 points, (b) 2 points.
  • Exercise 9.3: 2 points.
  • Exercise 9.4: 4 points.
  • Exercise 9.5: (a) 2 points, (b) 2 points, (c) 2 points, (d) 2 points.
  • Exercise 9.8: (a) 5 points, (b) 5 points, (c) 5 points.
  • Exercise 10.2: (a) 3 points, (b) 3 points, (c) 6 points (d) 3 points.

Exercise 9.8 and Exercise 10.2 are coding problems. You can work directly in Colab. (Please use Gradescope to tag the solutions in your pdf file with the corresponding exercise number, it makes grading much easier!)

If you do not have a Gradescope account, you will be required to create one. Please use your email to register. Then look for class 6.832 Underactuated Robotics, and join using the access code we provided in Piazza.

You will have to make two submissions for this problem set:

  • Problem Set 3, Written Submission. A pdf of your answers to the written questions. This can be either LaTeX, Word, or hand written (in the latter case, be sure it is legible!).
  • Problem Set 3, Notebook Submission. The final version of your Exercise 9.8 notebook van_der_pol.ipynb and Exercise 10.2 notebook orbital_transfer.ipynb. These can be downloaded from Colab after you finish to work on them. Please double check that the notebooks you are submitting have exactly this name and extension.

In our testing, Gradescope will give you a grade within approximately 30 seconds. You can resubmit as many times as you like before the deadline.

Note that, to fasten your workflow, we added an autograding cell directly at the end of each notebook. However, this does not replace Gradescope: you still need to complete the "Notebook Submission" when submitting your assignment.